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Easy Ways To Get Daily Quota Of Fruits And Vegetables

Looking for easy ways to get your daily quota of fruits and vegetables?

Did you know that only 13 percent of adults and 5 percent of children are getting their recommended daily servings of fruit and vegetables?

Thanks to pre-packaged and fast foods we rarely consume the 9-13 servings of fruit and vegetables needed to lower the risk of getting cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other chronic illnesses.

Processed foods contain excess calories and are nutrient deficient, where as fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals which our bodies need to maintain optimal health.

Fruit and vegetables contain phytonutrients, which are immune boosting nutrients that give them that beautiful deep colour. It’s necessary to get a variety of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis so that our bodies can detoxify naturally, and thrive.

Good health isn’t just good genes- its about healthy living, proper nutrition, lowering stress and eating whole, natural foods.

We don’t all of a sudden get cancer. The heart attack doesn’t just appear out of nowhere. It takes years for illness to develop and most illnesses are the result of diet, and can be avoided simply by changing what you eat. Research shows that diet plays a huge role in children who suffer with ADD, asthma, eczema and type-2 diabetes ,

Change is needed and many who say they simply don’t have the time to eat healthy can choose to change by following these simple steps:

  1. Eliminate fast food
  2. Join a coop and buy in bulk
  3. Visit your local farmers market
  4. Have your plate be 75% greens
  5. Drink 6-8 glasses of pure filtered water a day
  6. Juice or make homemade vegetable shakes
  7. Practice mediation or some kind of stress reduction

North Americans don’t have vitamin deficiencies we have whole food deficiencies.

How can you increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables a day?

Try my favourite vegetable shake recipe here, and be sure to add in healthy salads and whole natural foods to your menu planning. Check out the many salad recipes I have on my website like my easy slaw recipe.

Adding in quality vitamins and supplements to your daily regime is a great idea as well. Be sure to check the quality of your vitamins as many are synthetic and can cause more harm than good.

Juice Plus+ is one of my favourite companies and part of my daily regime.

Juice Plus+ is whole food based nutrition, including juice powder concentrates from 30 different fruits, vegetables and grains, enhancing a healthy diet. Juice Plus+ helps bridge the nutrient gap between what you should eat and what you do eat every day. Juice Plus+ is made from quality ingredients carefully monitored from farm to capsule to provide natural nutrients your body needs to be at its best.

I love that Juice Plus+ established a Children’s Health Study back in 1999 and are following children and their health.

The way the Children’s Health Study works is simple. For every parent, grandparent, or other adult that signs up as a Juice Plus+® customer, the study provides Juice Plus+® Orchard Blend and Juice Plus+® Garden Blend free to a child, teenager, or college student for up to four years. At various intervals — after 4-8 months and then at the end of each year — adult participants are asked to fill out a voluntary survey to determine whether (and how) their families’ health habits have changed as a result of taking Juice Plus+®.

To find out more about how you can enhance your well being and get your quota of fruits and vegetables every day click here






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Shirley Plant

About Shirley

I'm Shirley Plant, nutritionist and cookbook author. My passion is helping you figure out which foods fuel your body and which ones deplete it.

Appearances By Shirley

  • CTV News
  • Rogers TV
  • The Eat Real Food Health Summit
  • Menopause Wellness Summit
  • The Parenting TeleSummit

Appearances By Shirley

  • CTV News
  • Rogers TV
  • The Eat Real Food Health Summit
  • Menopause Wellness Summit
  • The Parenting TeleSummit

Shirley's Cookbooks

Finally... Food I Can Eat!

Finally... Food I Can Eat!

A dietary guide and cookbook featuring tasty non vegetarian and vegetarian recipes for people with food allergies and intolerances. Recipes free of gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, wheat, nightshades, sugar and yeast.

Finally... Paleo Food I Can Eat!

Finally... Paleo Food I Can Eat!

Paleo recipes for breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner, and dessert. Recipes free of grains, legumes, dairy, refined sugar, eggs and almonds. Plus, chapters on the mind body connection by Dr. Eva Selhub M.D and healing your body from chronic illness with Dr. Terry Wahls. M.D.