Wellness Blog
Shirley Plant on March 25, 2014
Love Child Organics – delicious food for babies and grown ups too!
Shirley Plant on February 20, 2014
Twenty- five years ago my life changed. It was a scary time for me as I was diagnosed with an auto immune condition and found out I was allergic and sensitive to many foods I had been eating my whole…
Shirley Plant on February 16, 2014
This is the ultimate question. Fifty years ago you hardly heard of anaphylactic allergies, Celiac Disease, gluten- free bread or GMO’s. So why did our grandparents have no food allergies? 1) They ate real food- harvested from the land with…
Shirley Plant on January 12, 2014
Having a good knife can make such a difference in your cooking skills- Check out the knives I use in my kitchen
Shirley Plant on October 28, 2013
3 Food to help you kick refined sugar to the curb. 1) Dates -naturally sweet and good for you. High in fibre, vitamins and minerals they are a great choice when baking and omitting white sugar in your recipes. 2) …
Shirley Plant on October 26, 2013
Yes, your Jack o Lantern is a Superfood! You probably only think about pumpkins at Thanksgiving and Halloween, but did you know that pumpkins offer much more than just the symbol of autumn holidays? That Jack o Lantern is…