Wellness Blog
What is an Elimination Diet?
Shirley Plant on August 17, 2014
Food allergies or sensitivities? Why you might need to follow an elimination diet.
Cross Reaction Allergies
Shirley Plant on July 10, 2014
Do you have a peanut allergy? Find out what other foods you might react to that are related to peanuts
Finally Food I Can Eat- a dietary guide and cookbook
Shirley Plant on May 5, 2014
May 01- 07 grab a copy of Finally Food I Can Eat ebook for only $4.99
How using your dryer may be harming your health!
Shirley Plant on April 22, 2014
Think that fresh smelling towel from the dryer is nice? Guess what, it may just be harming your health
What do Frogs and Maple Syrup have in common?
Shirley Plant on April 12, 2014
Can you guess what frogs might know about making maple syrup?
Babies- It all begins with Food
Shirley Plant on March 25, 2014
Love Child Organics – delicious food for babies and grown ups too!