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Pear spread is easy to make and will be a nice change from jams and applesauce.

Fall is in the air and apples and pears are a plenty at your local farmers markets and grocery stores.

Pears are an excellent source of dietary fibre, antioxidants, flavonoids, minerals and vitamins, plus most kids and adults alike love pears.


  • 4 bartlett pears, peeled and diced
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp cardamon
  • 1 tbsp ground chia seed
  • 1/2 tsp grated ginger
  • juice of 1/2 lemon


  1. Place cut up pears in a large pot and cook on low heat
  2. Add in remaining ingredients and cook until pears are soft
  3. Stir often
  4. Remove from heat and puree in a high speed blender or food processor
  5. Keep in a sealed jar in the fridge, spread over gluten free toast, biscuits or serve in a bowl with coconut milk and nuts

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Shirley Plant

About Shirley

I'm Shirley Plant, nutritionist and cookbook author. My passion is helping you figure out which foods fuel your body and which ones deplete it.

Appearances By Shirley

  • CTV News
  • Rogers TV
  • The Eat Real Food Health Summit
  • Menopause Wellness Summit
  • The Parenting TeleSummit

Appearances By Shirley

  • CTV News
  • Rogers TV
  • The Eat Real Food Health Summit
  • Menopause Wellness Summit
  • The Parenting TeleSummit

Shirley's Cookbooks

Finally... Food I Can Eat!

Finally... Food I Can Eat!

A dietary guide and cookbook featuring tasty non vegetarian and vegetarian recipes for people with food allergies and intolerances. Recipes free of gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, wheat, nightshades, sugar and yeast.

Finally... Paleo Food I Can Eat!

Finally... Paleo Food I Can Eat!

Paleo recipes for breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner, and dessert. Recipes free of grains, legumes, dairy, refined sugar, eggs and almonds. Plus, chapters on the mind body connection by Dr. Eva Selhub M.D and healing your body from chronic illness with Dr. Terry Wahls. M.D.