How To Cure Insomnia Naturally

How to cure insomnia naturally is something I have been searching for my whole life.
I have tried everything. Cognitive behavour therapy, EFT, EMDR, meditation, sleep patches, you name it, I have tried it.
Years ago I started to develop insomina. In the beginning it wasn’t such a big deal, but then it became an issue. I then developped a chronic illness and so it was important for me to get my rest. The doctor prescribed lorazepam and it worked. The problem was I became addicted and needed more and more to put me to sleep. This is quite common with this type of medication. I then tried Imovane which also helped but within a few years I developped issues with that medication so I had to return to taking lorazepam.
The number one complaint at doctors offices is poor sleep and chronic stress.
For years I tried every now and then to get off these medications. In my forties I was successful, despite the horrible withdrawal that I went through. The problem was that I never fell asleep before 300am and would have to sleep in until 10 or 11 am most days.
Throughout the years I tried every therapy and alternative there was. Supplements, marijuana, sleep therapies and nothing worked. I even tried the Super Patch REM Patch which is all natural drug free patch that promotes a better night sleep. They worked for my friend who suffered with insomnia but not me.
This past year I signed up for a Quantum Biology Course which was fascinating. I learned so much and soon realized that my circadian clock or circadian rhythm was off. Our circadian rhythms dictate multiple processes in the body, including alertness or sleepiness, appetite, and body temperature. The body’s internal clock is naturally aligned with the cycle of day and night and can be disrubpted by travel, work and junk light.
What is junk light? Junk light is the light that comes from artificial light; cell phones, computer screens, fluorescent lights, LED lights. Blue light suppresses melatonin and can affect other hormones in the body.
Below is a simple guide on how to cure insomnia naturally.
How I corrected my circadian rhythm and cured insomnia naturally:
- I made sure the first light my eyes saw was natural light. If you wake before the sun you need to wear blue blcking glasses. If you wake up with the sun, the first thing you need to do is go outside. Stare at the sky with naked eyes for at least 5- 10 minutes. This tells your brain it is day light.
- Download the Circadian App on your phone. This will tell you when sunrise is, and when UVA and UVB is present.
- Get outside when UVA and UVB light is present. Our eyes and brain need to see all the colours of the rainbow. The only way we get infared is by getting out into natural light during the day.
- UVA light lowers inflmmation in the body. Morning sunlight into the eyes turns tryptophan into serotonin and turns tyrosine and phenylalanine into dopamine. It makes you feel happy.
- Wear blue blocking glasses if you are on screens all day. This will block the damaging blue light that comes from computer screens, cell phones, fluorescent lights and LED lights.
- Wear orange blocking glasses at dusk- super important in the winter time.
- One hour before bed wear red blue blocking glasses. This will tell your brain to start to make melatonin. So imporant if you watch TV before bed. Most people do not realize that watching TV before bed tells your brain to wake up.
I have personally tested all these lenses so I know they do block out the blue light. These companies also offer prescritpion lenses if you need them.
I have a pair of yellow blue blockers for when I am my computer. Then I will put on orange blockers at dusk and one hour before bed I put on red blockers. This has allowed me to fall asleep naturally and get off sleeping pills.
If you need further assistance, please reach out to me at