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Rice Cookers and University Students- The Perfect Match

Shirley Plant on August 14, 2013

Rice cookers for your college student. Ah, it’s that time of year when children go back to school. Perhaps your son or daughter is heading off to University? If that son or daughter has food allergies, it can be a…

Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease

Shirley Plant on July 28, 2013

The Cholesterol Myth- Debunked Last week I read one of the most informative books I have read in a very long time. The book is called The Great Cholesterol Myth, by Jonny Bowden and Dr. Stephen Sinatra. It is my…

B Healthier with B12

Shirley Plant on July 21, 2013

  Did you know that up to 50% of the population could be deficient in Vitamin B12? Sad but true. If you suffer from any of these symptoms, you may be deficient in Vitamin B12. – Low energy or weakness…

Food Cravings, what to do about them!

Shirley Plant on July 11, 2013

  Are you struggling with food cravings? Perhaps you are trying to lose weight or maybe cut out gluten or sugar from your diet. It seems easy enough, but every other day the food cravings hit. You end up sitting…

Do you know what Phthalates are and are they making you sick?

Shirley Plant on June 24, 2013

What are phthalates? They are a group of chemicals that make products like plastic more pliable and softer. They help lubricate, penetrate and soften, and help fragrances last longer, but at what cost to our health? Phthalates are known as…

Discover the Magic of Baking Soda

Shirley Plant on June 18, 2013

I love baking soda. I cook with it, clean with it and use it in my bath. Baking soda, a.k.a. sodium bicarbonate balances PH, therefore keeping a substance neither too acidic, or too alkaline. It is the perfect cleaning solution, air deodorizer and personal care product. It also allows me to use fewer chemicals in my home and on my body, and due to its multi- purposes it saves me from spending money on cleaners, whiteners and other health care products.

Shirley Plant

About Shirley

I'm Shirley Plant, nutritionist and cookbook author. My passion is helping you figure out which foods fuel your body and which ones deplete it.

Appearances By Shirley

  • CTV News
  • Rogers TV
  • The Eat Real Food Health Summit
  • Menopause Wellness Summit
  • The Parenting TeleSummit

Appearances By Shirley

  • CTV News
  • Rogers TV
  • The Eat Real Food Health Summit
  • Menopause Wellness Summit
  • The Parenting TeleSummit

Shirley's Cookbooks

Finally... Food I Can Eat!

Finally... Food I Can Eat!

A dietary guide and cookbook featuring tasty non vegetarian and vegetarian recipes for people with food allergies and intolerances. Recipes free of gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, wheat, nightshades, sugar and yeast.

Finally... Paleo Food I Can Eat!

Finally... Paleo Food I Can Eat!

Paleo recipes for breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner, and dessert. Recipes free of grains, legumes, dairy, refined sugar, eggs and almonds. Plus, chapters on the mind body connection by Dr. Eva Selhub M.D and healing your body from chronic illness with Dr. Terry Wahls. M.D.