How EMF’s Are Affecting Mental Health

Researchers and doctors are sounding the alarm on how EMF’s, WiFi & 5G are affecting mental health.
“I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the earth’s environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. I consider that to be far greater on a global scale, than warming, and the increase in chemical elements in the environment.” – Dr. Robert Becker, MD, two-time Nobel nominee, and author of The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life
What are non native EMF’s and how are they affecting your mental health?
We are constantly being bombarded by non-native electromagnetic fields (nnEMFs). Much more now than a century ago. These invisible waves of electromagnetic energy come from WiFi, cell phones, smart technologies; like smart watches, thermostats and smart metres.
Even living near or under large hydro wires and transmission lines are cause for concern. A recent study showed that exposure to 50 HZ magnetic fields are causing psychological effects, especially in children.
Researchers explain that these high levels of EMFs may affect brain plasticity, increase oxidative stress in the nervous system, and may explain conditions such as headaches, sleep disturbance, fatigue, memory deficits, and brain tumors.
While Big Industry argues that nnEMFs are harmless because they’re non-ionizing, numerous studies show their detrimental effects at the cellular level.
One of the ways that nnEMFs harm our cells is by reducing structured water, known as EZ water. Our mitochondria, the little organelles in our cells that produce energy, need EZ water to make energy. When EZ waster is reduced it disrupts the proteins that they rely on.
Non native EMFs also flood the cell with excessive intracellular calcium, triggering a danger signal. This leads to the generation of damaging radicals, causing chaos within the cell and compromising its function. The cell’s metabolic shift towards glycolysis, a cancer-like state, can result from this cell danger response. This then begins the downfall into chronic illness.
There are several ways to protect ourselves from nnEMF exposure:
- Limit EMF Exposure: Whenever possible, avoid EMF exposure, especially at night. Put cell phones on airplane mode and unplug the Wi-Fi router during sleep hours or use a timer to set WiFi to go off at 1030pm and back on in the morning.
- Keep Devices Away from You: Keep cellular and Wi-Fi devices as far away from your body as possible. Remove the smart watch. Do not use air pods as they can break down the blood brain barrier which then allows for heavy metals like aluminum to leak into the brain. Research is showing that this break down of blood brain barrier is increasing the rate of Alzheimer’s and brain tumours. Get rid of Alexa and Wifi baby monitors.
- Use a Faraday cage around your cell phone or Aires Tech Technology – Aires Tech transforms the electromagnetic field called modulation. Simply, they are taking the chaotic and unorganized radiation that comes from electronic devices and harmonizing it so your body can better understand it. Click here to learn more about Aires Tech and use coupon code shirleyplant at checkout to save.
- Rebuild EZ water in the body. EZ water acts as a first-line defense and can create a natural Faraday cage, blocking out some harmful nnEMFs. Ensuring proper cellular hydration with sufficient EZ water in and around our cells may help reduce the harm caused by nnEMF exposure. Taking cold showers or baths, as long as the water is lower than your body temperature that is a good option. Doing a face dunk in a bowl of cool water also helps to to rebuild EZ water. Going for walks on a cold day and allowing your hands or throat to be exposed to the cold. Cold exposure prompts mitochondria to generate heat and produce more EZ water. This can aid in rebuilding the structured water within our cells.
Many doctors and scientists are now sounding the alarm that EMF’s are harmful to our health. Despite claims from the tech industry that their products are safe and that the amount of EMF’s people are exposed to is minimal is simply not true. France recently banned the new iphone 12 due to the high and unsafe amounts of EMF is was emitting. Sweden, France, Netherlands, Finland and Russia have all banned the use of cell phones in schools. The past president of Microsoft, Frank Clegg has created a new company called Canadians for Safe Technology, which is shedding light on the negative effects of 5G and WiFi.
Non-ionizing radiation from nnEMFs pose a hidden threat to our cellular health.By implementing simple strategies to limit EMF exposure and focusing on rebuilding EZ water, you can take proactive steps to safeguard your cellular health in the modern world.
Let me know below what ways you are lowering EMF’s in your life and how emf’s maybe be impacting your mental health.